Ruby Java Clojure Integration
I have Ruby, Java and Clojure set up in my rails app. I’m using JRuby and I’m able to load the jar file created from Clojure. Here’s what I did.
$ rvm install jruby
$ rvm use jruby
$ brew install clojure
$ brew install leiningen
$ lein new default ttt # this will also create function foo in ttt/core.clj
$ lein uberjar # this will create a standalone jar file in directory "target"
Then you edit the Gemfile
to include
gem "jrclj"
Create a file a.rb
with the following sample code
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'java'
Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ttt/target/*.jar"].each do |jar|
require jar
require 'jrclj'
clj = "ttt.core" "chong"
Execute the code and you should see
chong Hello, World!
I have everything I need to create the Rails Tic Tac Toe.